The most tender, succulent and mourish miso aubergine, this is a trusted recipe I've been using for simple to do and perfect results every time! Soft, sweet and salty.
Serves 1
• 1 Aubergine
• 5 tsp Miso Paste
• 3 Tbsp Mirin
• 1 tsp Granulated Sugar
• 1 Spring Onion, sliced lengthways and dropped into ice water so they go crispy and curly
Heat the oven to 190c. Slice the aubergine in half and score the flesh (quite deeply to get all the marinade.
Heat a drizzle of oil in a pan and put the aubergine cut side down, cook for 4 or 5 mins until charred, then turn over and do the same on the other side.
Meanwhile, mix the miso, mirin and sugar in a small bowl till it looks like caramel.
Place on a foil lined tray and brush over the miso mix, then place in the oven under the grill for about 5 mins until golden and bubbling.
Serve over white rice with your spring onions, sesame seeds and chilli oil.