Non-toxic treatment for food moths. Better result from using pheromone bait.
Place or hang where moths appear or are suspected.
Effective for approx. 8 weeks.
About food moths
Members of the butterfly family, food moths have a wingspan of approximately 25mm. The front wings of the Mediterranean Flour Moth are striped blue-grey or brown-grey, where those of the Indian Meal Moth are a patterned copper-red. Female moths lay around 200 eggs and it is the grubs which emerge from these which cause the damage.
They eat food and contaminate it with their cocons and excrement. After eating their fill, they pupate and develop into new moths. These seek partners to breed with and so begin the cycle again.
There are typically between 2 and 4 generations of moths a year.
Safety Warnings:
Keep away from children
Manufacturers Address: Aries Umweltprodukte, Stapeler Dorfstr. 23, DE-27367 Horstedt